Sunday, July 13, 2008

paying the tree spirits

On our walk we came across a little bridge. Before the bridge you paid the spirits to enter the forest and to protect you. Sue was generous as she thought we needed all the protection we could get. She had all bases covered as she also gave to church donation boxes and lit candles and prayed to Coleridge. This section did remind me of the fairy tales where you had to pay to cross over.
What this post didn't say was that we were about to go up Bird Hill. Bird Hill sounds lovely. It goes on forever and ever--straight up. Many of the people we have talked to have commented on this section--even the Royal Oak publican who completed the walk in two days commented on the Bird Hill section. It was so beautiful but as with much beauty there came great pain and we experienced the pain and the beauty.

1 comment:

Jen Brazier said...

and again with superstions - what happened to 'don't pay the ferryman until you get to the other side'??