Also out of order. Greta Hall in Keswick is where Coleridge lived with his wife and children. The house is privately owned so this is a web picture as one cannot visit the home. Keswick is pretty but also very busy. Coleridge walked, often, between here and Grasmere to visit Wordsworth.
Want to hear something creepy. I was a political philosophy major in college and part-time lyricist and poet. I was in a band with two other guys, a power-trio and we had just recorded with an album in California. At the time, I had heard of Coleridge but didn't know a lot about him, and had never seen Greta Hall. I transferred to a new town with my fiance and bought a white house. Later I lost my job and me and my fiance broke up. I couldn't get a job in political philosophy so a a wrote a book of poems, and released 23 albums of lyrics and music. Then I found out about Coleridge from Wikipedia and saw a picture of Greta Hall, and, guess what, it looked like the house me and my fiance bought. Creepy.
Matt Luther Wells, former lead singer of the band Blue Steel 44
Hi Matt
Thanks for the comment. I was interested in your story as we also discovered that the more you start looking into Coleridge the more co-incidences appear. We have many stories that we encountered on our travels of strange co-incidences.
Hi Sue And Leslie,
I am also an academic with a Ph.D. here in America. If you want to find out more about me and my lyrics and poetry, go to http://cdbaby.com/all/mwellsus. All 23 albums are there. Or you could check out my book "Lyric Sheets: The Lyrics of Matt Luther Wells" at Target.com, or you could check out my political philosophy books "Parallelism In Revolution: The Cases of France, Germany, and Iran" at Amazon.com.
Matt "Luther" Wells
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